Born in Gilău in a Pentecostal believers’ family, Simi Timbuc was the first out of 16 children and he had from a young age the experience of the life of faith.
He graduated from Pentecostal Theological Institute in 1988 being ordained as pastor in the autumn of the same year. He started the pastoral ministry in Huedin and surroundings, then in Someșeni Church, Cluj-Napoca.
In 1990 he started teaching in ITP Bucharest, then in 1992 he continued his master at Church of God School of Theology (PTS), Cleveland, TN, USA.
From 1994 he is the pastor of Betezda Romanian Church from the metropolis of Detroit, USA.
From this time, he started being involved along with Betezda Church in evangelism and missions supporting missionaries through DYM, APME and also taking part personally in cross-cultural trips to India, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Republic of Moldova, Romania.
He is married to Rodica and together they have three children and seven grandchildren.